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Fall is the perfect time for a fresh new approach to your edtech strategy

Fall can signify many things. Leaves changing, a harbinger of winter, the start of a new school year. Throughout history the start of any new season can serve as a natural time to reevaluate plans or set new intentions and goals. Much like the fall foliage the concept of truly useful edtech is changing...

Flexibility in edtech is more valuable than ever before with many teaching and educational initiatives being less focused on single use or front of the class presentation type technologies such as wall mounted interactive whiteboards and more focused on student interaction, engagement and hands on devices.

A great example of this is the growing popularity of our line of Broadcast Carts, which believe it or not do not include projectors. They serve as standalone, mobile broadcast studios with a bevy of features. These robust solutions take professional broadcasting and streaming capabilities and transform them into easy to use, mobile resources for educators and students alike.

For more information our exciting line of custom Broadcast solutions head over to the Broadcast tab or shoot us an email at

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